ANPOR(the Asian Network for Public Opinion Research)에서
발간하는 AJPOR(The Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research)에 실을 논문을
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AJPOR Call for Papers
The Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research (AJPOR) is the journal of the Asian Network for Public Opinion Research (ANPOR). It is published quarterly online by the Center for Asian Public Opinion Research & Collaboration Initiative (CAPORCI) in South Korea. The first issue was published in November 2013. For more information about ANPOR, see
We are currently accepting original submissions related to public opinion in Asia. Original research on methodology or public opinion polls as well as research notes, book reviews, poll reviews, and extended abstracts of papers previously published in another Asian language will all be considered.
All submissions should be uploaded using the e-Submission option at If you have any questions or difficulties using the system, please email
AJPOR promotes:
1. the use of scientific methods in learning what people and various sub-groups think and how this thinking is influenced by various factors.
2. the worldwide promotion of public opinion research in Asia.
3. international collaboration and exchange among academic and commercial researchers, journalists and political actors, as well as between the representatives of the different scientific disciplines.
Publication Schedule
This journal will be published 4 times per year in an online format.
Issue No. 1: November 30
Issue No. 2: February 28
Issue No. 3: May 31
Issue No. 4: August 31